Saturday 30 June 2012

Cute Acrylic Phone Charms!

When I went to Japan for the first time ever about 5 years ago, I fell in love with some Kokeshi Dolls.
Kokeshi dolls are handmade using wood and hand painted. Some of the designs I were were so cute, so eventually it inspired me to design my own drawings and have them printed onto acrylic.

I decided to turn some of these charms into phone straps to see how they looked.

I wouldn't say I am the best at designing but I have so much fun so I guess it doesn't matter what the end results look like.

What do you think? Good? Bad? I welcome all feedback because it'll make me work harder!

Friday 29 June 2012

Polymer Clay Work in Progress

I should try and be a little better at updating this blog!

I have currently learnt a new technique with polymer clay and played around with it yesterday to make some pendants.

Here's a picture of them so far (I'm still waiting for the resin to dry):

The colour combinations are endless, now I just need to buy more clay colours! These were made using Premo Polymer Clay. I like Premo since it is softer than the other clays and doesn't make my hands ache as much when I condition them.

Monday 25 June 2012

Etsy Shop Opened!!!

I've been soooo bad at updating this blog, but it's because I've been busy trying to juggle working full time and trying to open up my etsy shop. BUT it's finally here, yay!

Check it out if you have time!

Tomato Felt Phone Charm

Here's another felt  phone charm that I whipped up in 10 minutes, I was going to make it an apple but then I got lazy so it has since turned into a tomato! This one was given to my lovely lil sis as a present.